
Did you know that you can use aloe vera and coconut oil for hair growth! Make a magical hair growth mix with them and see your hair flourish!
Aloe vera and coconut oil are both powerful hair growth boosters. Aloe vera is made up of nutrients such as glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols, vitamins and others which foster growth of strong long hairs.
Coconut oil, meanwhile contains healthy fatty acids including lauric, mystiric, capric and caprylic acids that deeply penetrate into the hair follicles and nourish them. It also keeps the scalp moisturized and healthy which supports healthy hair growth.
Below, let’s see a easy and effective recipe combining the hair growth powers of aloe vera and coconut oil!

How to Use Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

The best way to use aloe vera and coconut oil for hair growth is by creating a soothing, cleansing and nourishing hair growth mask with them! Here are the instructions for this wonderful mask:

Aloe Vera Coconut Hair Growth Mask

What you need:

  • ½ cup pure aloe vera gel
  • 2 tbsp organic coconut oil
  • 1 tsp local or raw honey
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 8 oz amber glass jar for storage
  • Bowl & whisk for mixing


  1. Into a large bowl, add ½ cup of aloe vera gel.
  2. Next add 2 tbsp of organic coconut oil followed by 1 tsp local honey.
  3. Pierce a vitamin E capsule with a safety pin and squeeze out the oil into the bowl.
  4. Now using a whisk, mix everything up for 3 minutes to form a light creamy mixture.
  5. Your aloe vera coconut oil hair growth mask is ready!
  6. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to a month! Make sure not to get any water into your hair growth mask.
  7. Also, keep your hair mask away from heat and light to extend its shelf life.

How to Apply the Hair Growth Mask

  1. Section your dry hair into two then scoop up the hair mask and apply it evenly all over your scalp.
  2. Once you’re done applying, wrap your hair up and cover it with a shower cap.
  3. Leave the aloe vera coconut goodness to sink in for 2 hours.
  4. Then remove the shower cap and wash your hair as usual. Make sure to use a non-sulfate shampoo and conditioner like this one.

How Often to Apply this Mask

  • I recommend using this hair mask 2 hours before washing your hair. On the days that you plan on washing your hair (I hope you don’t wash your hair every single day because that isn’t good for hair health), apply this mask 2 hours before washing it off in the shower.
  • You can use this hair growth mask 2 times a week or once a week.
Are you planning on using aloe vera and coconut oil for hair growth?
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