There are different types of headaches, which are often incorrectly diagnosed and often mistreated. Headache can be caused by many reasons, such as fatigue and dehydration, but it can often indicate more serious health problems.
Most common types of headaches are divided and all of them show something about our body. If we learn the signals we can effectively learn how to properly treat those headaches.
TMJ Headache
This is a headache that is caused by clenching the jaws or grinding the teeth or by some abnormalities in the jaw joints themselves. So, if you notice you have pain while chewing or if the jaw motion is restricted or noisy, then you will easily diagnose this type of headache.
Sinus Headache⏩
When you have inflamed sinuses then you will surely experience severe headaches. These pains are caused by infection and pressure which you can feel in the cheeks, the eyes and the forehead. So, try to consume as much fluids as you can, or make inhalations with hot water which will help you to reduce inflammation and will open your sinuses.
Cluster Headache
This type is one of the most painful, because it happens in a pattern of periodic cycles of headache attacks, which may be episodic or chronic. The attacks themselves are usually brief but extremely painful. So, people who experience this types of headaches often wake up just few hours after going to bed, because the attack cause very severe, stabbing or boring pain centered in one eye.
Tension Headache
If you are experiencing these types of headaches then you’re no stranger to the soreness in the shoulders or the neck. This type of headache is often experienced in the forehead, in the back of the head and the neck, or in both regions. Sufferers are also more sensitive to light than the general population, even between attacks.
Neck Headache⏩
This type of headache is mostly caused by a neck joint problems. The good news is that by fixing your problem, your neck headache can be alleviated. The most likely sources of your neck pain is dysfunction of either upper neck joints, neck muscles or nerves, which trigger pain signals that travel to your trigeminal nucleus in your brainstem, where you interpret the pain signals as a neck headache.
Migraine usually occurs between the ages of 25 to 55 years, but no matter the age everyone can experience it. As an example, only in America 38 million people suffer from migraine. This type of headache is very complicated, because it contains a bunch of neurological symptoms. Migraine is manifested by intense throbbing pain on only one side of the head, or in both sides.
The pain you’ll experience is a combination of symptoms: vomiting, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances, extreme sensitiveness to light, smell, touch, sound and numbness or tingling in the face. Many people who suffered from migraine felt relief with the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and magnesium. Include sufficient amounts of these vitamins and minerals in the diet, in order to prevent migraine.
In addition, according to one research, aerobic exercises can be very effective for prevention of headaches. For this reason, regular exercise can replace all those drugs for pain.
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